Tongue End

10th Feb 23
Baston Primary School

We've invited our nearest primary school to get involved who have excitedly agreed.  The hope is to have them play a part in the BBC filming but also use aspects of the field as part of their education programme if they so wish.

6th Feb 23
BBC Talks

A talk with the BBC to discuss the upcoming filming at the Tongue End Playing Field.  March the 22nd and 23rd have been confirmed and details around this talk will be shared with the community.

2nd February 23
Visual Site Plan

Charlene has posted the visual site plan on Facebook.  This is the plan developed at the recent community meeting on the 21st.  Details will follow here shortly.

25th Jan 23
Follow Up Meeting

Following the meeting on the 21st, key individuals met up at Waterside Garden Centre to discuss the technicalities around the agreed site plan whilst agreeing next steps to move the project forward.

21st January 23
Community Meeting

The community got together to undertake a new type of brainstorming activity from the Wildlife Trust which allowed us to fully visualise the space and come up with loads of great ideas.  The event ended by putting these ideas together in a single consolidated plan with which to move forward.

6th December 22
BBC Presentation

The Wildlife Trust after getting to know our project in detail set to present everything to the BBC in the hope of Tongue End being included in future programming.