We Are
Our Community

Our History

For such a small place we enjoy a very rich yet quirky history, and through our collaborative work and local projects we continue to add our chapter to that story.  It’s hoped that others can look back on what we’re doing today, not necessarily to continue a legacy, but to remember that change for the better is possible when setting aside differences and working together.

Our values

Community Centred

We are solely focused on the betterment of our community, people and family first in al things.


Honest, open, and completely fair in all dealings with each other, other communities, businesses and organisations.

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Cost Effectiveness

Care for the funds available and complete transparency with the local community to ensure spending is focused correctly.

Health & Safety

Care for the people in our community is paramount. Taking into the day to day as well as organised activites.

Wildlife Friendly

A rural community with a passion for strengthening local wildlife through maintaining and rebuilding natural habitats.

Mutual Respect

Complete respect for each other including the full consideration of ideas put forward by all community members.